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I recently made a phone call to Gina Rosbury (the artist formerly known as Gina Vecchi) to discuss an untitled demo she gave me. She is recently married and living in Georgia. In the interview we discuss her songwriting output, how we project meaning onto songs, and how married life has effected her songwriting. She is a originally from Massachusetts and a member of the band TonyBear with her brother Tony.
(click player above to listen to Untitled + the interview)
For more from Gina, check
Demo Mirror
This is Demo Mirror’s maiden voyage! Hooray! Please check out the site and continue to follow – we’re going to be updating weekly for the next 17 weeks with songs and interviews from artists. This first series will culminate in a show, featuring musical performances from select artists.
I’d like people to think and reflect on these posts, so any feedback, thoughts, etc. are encouraged. Subscribe via RSS or iTunes podcast, get episodes downloaded directly to you (for FREE!). Enjoy!